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Reload 2-day lift tickets
Reload 2-day lift tickets online to save $15 off window rates and skip the ticket lines. If you originally purchased a lift ticket online and still have the lift ticket card, you may reload it online here.
Select the first day you want to ski from the Start Date Calendar above and select the products you would like to reload. 2-day tickets are only valid for consecutive use. Your current ticket will be reloaded and you can proceed directly to the lifts on your next visit. Once you reload your ticket, make sure to bring it with you to the resort. If we have to reissue you another ticket card, there will be a $5 new media fee.
Tickets purchased at the ticket windows may not have the ability to reload online, unless you had an online account prior to that purchase. You may still reload at the ticket windows and save $5. 6 & Under / 80+ tickets are not available in multi-day products.